
  • To reduce the aeration costs whilst ensuring the effluent quality
  • To achieve a TN < 10 mgN/L
  • Provide the plant manager with an innovative control tool

Plant characteristics

  • Design flow: 5.075 m3/d
  • Biological treatment:
    1x pre-denitro + 2x plug-flow reactors (AO)
  • Aeration system:
    1x blower + 1x turboblower
  • Effluent discharge consent
    BOD5 < 25 mgO2/L
    COD < 125 mgO2/L
    TN < 15 mgN/L (annual average)
    TP < 2 mgP/L (annual average)

Solution implemented

CREApro® platform fitted with self-customized process intelligence tools and editable control configuration settings : an every day operation control as well as a strategic tool. Intelligent control loops included and tailored:

  • N-control module, including:

-Dynamic DO setpoint strategy (independent per lane)
-Nitrification / Denitrification cycles (intermittent aeration strategy)
-Energy cost via a tariff strategy for further monetary savings
-Swing zone management
-Dynamic blowers control and rotations



  • RASi-control module, including:

-Dynamic mixed liquor recirculation pumping


Effluent quality compliance
kWh / kgN savings
kWh / m3 savings
Robustness and reliability