
  • To ensure effluent quality
  • To optimize and monitor treatment performance
  • To reduce aeration costs

Plant characteristics

  • Design flow: 16.000 m3/d
  • Biological treatment:
    2x plug-flow reactors
  • Aeration system:
    2+2+1Rx blowers with VSDs
    Automatic regulation valves
    Airflow and pressure meters
  • Effluent discharge consent
    BOD5 < 25 mgO2/L
    COD < 125 mgO2/L
    TSS < 35 mg/L
    TN < 15 mgN/L
    TP < 2 mgP/L

Solution implemented

CREApro® platform fitted with self-customized process intelligence tools and editable control configuration settings : an every day operation control as well as a strategic tool. 

Intelligent control loops included and tailored:

  • SRT-control module, including:
    -Calculations of required SRT
    -Choice of MLSS, SRT or WAS control modes
    -Safety factors to ensure process stability
  • N-control module, including
    -Dynamic DO setpoint strategy (independent per lane)
    -Dynamic NH4 setpoint strategy (independent per lane)
    -Nitrification / Denitrification cycles (intermittent aeration strategy)
    -Energy consumption daily profile optimisation for further monetary savings

  • MOV-control module, including:
    -Dynamic valves opening degree control (MOV strategy)
    -Dynamic pressure control
    -Dynamic blowers control
    -Advanced blowers management, incl. rotations

  • RASi-control module, including:
    -Dynamic internal recirculation pumps control


Effluent quality compliance
Reduction of kWh / m3
Reduction of kWh / kgTNremoved
Robustness and reliability

Feedback from the user

"The aim of the implementation of the control platform was to overcome the existing limitations with the nitrogen removal and non-compliance events. The results of the platform have gone over and beyond our expectations, allowing us to meet nitrogen discharge limits without the need to make any significant investment in the plant. The combination of aeration and biomass control was also demonstrated, as it improved the overall performance of the biological treatment operation enabling to work under stable and optimal biomass and sludge age conditions. All in all, this not only resulted in increased treatment capacity and energy efficiency, but also in optimal process stability and sludge quality.”
Antoni Ventura
General Manager
Aigües de Manresa