
  • To reduce the aeration and chemicals costs whilst ensuring the effluent quality with a stringent discharge consent
  • To monitor, optimize and stabilize treatment performance
  • Compare performance with competitors
  • To become a 100% automatically managed WWTP

Plant characteristics

  • Design flow: 50.000 m3/d
  • Biological treatment: 
    2x A2O plug-flow reactors + MBR
  • Aeration system: 
    3x magnetic levitation turbo-compressors
    Automatic regulation valves
  • Effluent discharge consent
    BOD5 < 6 mgO2/L 
    COD < 30 mgO2/L 
    TN < 15 mgN/L (internal Standard <12 mgN/L)
    N-NH4+ < 1,5 mgN/L
    TP < 0,3 mgP/L  (internal Standard <0,2 mgP/L)

Solution implemented

CREApro® platform fitted with self-customized process intelligence tools and editable control configuration settings : an every day as well as a strategic tool. 
Intelligent control loops included and tailored:

  • AERATION: N-control and MOV-control modules with:
    -Dynamic and individual DO setpoint
    -Dynamic and predictive valves opening degree control 
    -Dynamic pressure control
    -Dynamic individual blowers control
  • CHEMICAL DOSING: P-control module, with dynamic dosing rate setpoint
    – SRT-control module, to maintain stable MLSS
    – RASi-control module for dynamic internal recirculation pumping


Effluent quality compliance
Reduction of kWh / m3 *
Reduction of PAC dosage / m3 treated
Reduction of events with TN > 12mgN/L
Reduction of events with TP > 0,2mgP/L
*: 11% compared to the previous competitor solution in place

Feedback from the user

“ We TWT are one of Createch’s strategic partners, and have collaborated with Createch to deliver their control platform solution on this site and many others across China. Createch have gradually trained us, so our process and IT teams work hand in hand to jointly deliver CREA cutting edge solutions with our local market knowledge and support. We firmly believe this solution brings much value to the water industry, as can be appreciated on this reference in terms of process stability and operational costs savings, in particular thanks to the high level of flexibility and customization which provides the most appropriate solution for each site. “
Shenzhen thinking water technology Co., Ltd.