
Smoothing the way to transform Greater Santiago’s WWTP in energy self-sufficient biorefineries by minimizing energy consumption for aeration of the biological process while ensuring effluent quality.

Plant characteristics

La Farfana serves the Greater Santiago area (> 6M inhabitants), together with Mapocho-Trebal WWTP.  Both plants implemented CREApro® aeration control. 

  • Design Flow: 760.320 m3/d (3.674.880 P.E.)
  • Biological reactor:
    Plug-flow configuration – 16 units
  • Aeration system:
    – 6 x 1.600 kW turbo blowers
    – 3-4 regulation valves/reactor
  • Effluent discharge consent
    TSS < 35 mg/L
    COD < 125 mgO2/L
    BOD5 < 35 mgO2/L

Solution implemented

CREApro® platform fitted with self-customized process intelligence tools and editable control configuration settings : an every day operation control as well as a strategic tool.  

Note: as initially the incoming load did not require the control to focus specifically on nitrogen removal needs, C-control was implemented. Due to increasing incoming loads, the system was since updated with N-control to adjust control loops in accordance with the current loads and consent requirements. 

Intelligent control loops included and tailored:

C-control module, including:
– Dynamic DO setpoint strategy 
– Aeration/non-aeration cycles
– Both independent for each lane

MOV-control module, including:
– Dynamic pressure control
– Dynamic valves opening degree control (MOV strategy)
– Energy-efficient blower management
– Management of flushing


Effluent quality compliance
Aeration energy savings
Robustness and reliability

Feedback from the user

“The implementation of the intelligent aeration control system La Farfana, has been advantageous for EDAM not only in terms of a significant saving in energy consumption for aeration (which represents the main energy consumption of the plants), but also for the plant supervision tasks. The intelligent control platform facilitates on-line control of the performance of the biological process as well as the water quality of the effluent. In large plants such as La Farfana and Mapocho-Trebal, the investment in this type of technology presents very short payback periods that make them highly recommended.”
Jordi Fontana
General Manager